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- Lavender - Sandalwood - Patchouli -

The Moon Candle helps to release emotional blockages keeping you from embracing all of the inner glory that is you! Whether you need to get over an ex or existential crisis, this candle is here to guide you in the direction of finally letting go.


This candle pairs perfectly with The Moon Essential Oil Roller for quick and easy magic on the go! Simply pull out your roller and the scent will teleport you back to your ritual to imediately ground you in your intentions!



Or should I say "Guidelines."

First and foremost, this candle is for YOU  which means you get to create whatever ritual works best for you! If you are new to the witchy world or would like a suggestion on where to start, here are some steps you can take (or simply follow the guided meditation):

- Set yourself up in a comfortable, seated position with your candle in front of you.

- Stare at the base of the flame and imagine the light, energy, and strength from the flame entering and filling your mind.

-After it feels like enough time has passed and your mind is full, move on to filling your body with the flame and repeat the process.

- After your body, fill your spirit with the same process.

- Close your eyes and allow the energy of the flame to exist inside every crevice of your being for a moment.

- As you live in this space, repeat your intention (out loud is better but in your head is just fine) until your session ends. An example of an intention could be:


"I am breaking down the barriers that are holding me back from my authentic life. I am no longer the victim of what has happened in the past. I willingly open myself up to embracing the love and light of the Universe."


If you are dealing with something specific, say it! Alter this intention to whatever you need it to be! As long as you are treating yourself with compassion in your words and are speaking as if it has already happened. Because it has!

- Cover the glass to extinguish the flame. (do not blow it out so as not to blow away your intention.)

- Pour a tiny bit of the newly created oil into the palm of your hand and rub it in.

- Relight the candle and let it burn until the wax evens out.

Make sure you check out The Moon Essential Oil Blend for a quick and easy way to remind and align you with your intention throughout the day.

From the bottom of my heart, I am sending you nothing but love, light, joy, and peace. Enjoy your candle!

- Hunter

* Discontinue oil use if any allergic reactions occur. The candle will still work for your intentions. 

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